Forbes Japan: “A year of continuing to make dreams come true, evolution to a ‘new XG’ that never stops”

XG - Harvey, Hinata, Juria, Jurin, Chisa, Cocona, and Maya
XG – Harvey, Hinata, Juria, Jurin, Chisa, Cocona, and Maya

2023年8月、「Forbes JAPAN 30 UNDER 30 2023」での表紙取材で、日本人7人組HIP HOP/R&Bガールズグループ・XGの韓国取材を行った。取材当時、まだ雑誌表紙を飾った経験はなく、取材を受けることも新鮮な様子。まだあどけなさが残っていた彼女たちは、この1年のうちに驚くほどの成長と変貌を遂げた。

 2022年デビューのXGだが、現在はInstagram279万フォロワー・Youtube登録者数336万人、TikTok490万人を誇る。また、今年5月にリリースされたシングル「WOKE UP」ではSpotifyのバイラルチャートにおいて、グローバル15位をはじめ、アメリカ、日本、韓国を含む34カ国・地域のチャートにランクイン。YouTube再生回数は、リリースから約2週間で1200万回再生を超えた。さらに、2023年11月26日に開催された単独有観客ライブ「XG ‘NEW DNA’ SHOWCASE in JAPAN」では、応募総数は20万以上。 

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Feature: “XG captivates approximately 50,000 fans during their first world tour in North America!”

XG: Maya, Cocona, Chisa, Jurin, Juria, Hinata, and Harvey
XG: Maya, Cocona, Chisa, Jurin, Juria, Hinata, and Harvey

The Hiphop/R&B-inspired girl group XG, currently on their first world tour “The first HOWL,” has successfully completed the North American leg of their tour. Starting in Los Angeles, the group performed in a total of eight cities, including San Francisco, Grand Prairie, Sugar Land, Duluth, New York and concluding in Chicago on October 21st (local time), captivating approximately 50,000 fans across all performances.

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Feature: “You Can’t Miss Seeing XG Live ‘IYKYK’” from The Honey Pop

Harvey, Juria, Jurin, Hinata, Chisa, Cocona, and Maya

I noticed this feature on XG from The Honey Pop. The quote below is from the article and their observations truly embody what I felt when I first came across this Japanese group: (Emphasis mine)

The first HOWL, as we mentioned, is XG’s first world tour, and honestly, it doesn’t even seem like it, from start to finish they really kicked it out of the park. They seemed like a well-seasoned group, not a two-year group going a world on tour for the first time. Their talent is astronomical, out of this world, both as a group and as individuals. They also got to show off in their group stages, unit stages, and solo stages. If y’all saw the dance breaks we saw right from the beginning, you would’ve been blown away. They were so good! After watching their solo stages, you would be confused about who is a part of the vocal unit because, man, XG has such amazing, strong, and special voices. Every time we got a solo stage, we thought, wow, “They’re like really good,” and then that continued with each solo we got. And even when they showed off their singing again with no backtrack, it was even more proof that their vocals are just so stable.

The Honey Pop

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